Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Purchasing a home now, could be the perfect timing

Not sure if you should purchase a Home now, in this economy?

Below are a few reasons why now could be the perfect time:

- If you are planning to buy and live in a home for any length of time, now could be a great time with housing prices relatively low.  Even if prices drop again in the near future, if you are planning to stay put for any length of time, you could see a rise in the value of your home in the future.

- With interests rates at historical lows, added to the lower housing prices, your monthly mortgage note could be the same as a rental property.  And remember, rental prices do/can rise!

- Because of lower interest rates and lower housing prices, you could actually pay down a new 30 year mortgage in less time, if you would pay extra on every months mortgage payment

- If you are thinking seriously of purchasing in the near future, not buying now could mean a larger monthly mortgage payment later, if the interest rates rise even 1% in the future
These reasons alone (there could even be more) show that now can be a great time to purchase a new home!

If you would like help in purchasing or selling a home in the Santa Clarita Valley
 please do not hesitate to call me at:
 LeeAnn Bell at 661-309-2364
or email me  SantaClaritaRE@gmail.com

All phone calls are free  :)
And it is my pleasure to answer your questions!

LeeAnn Bell
DRE License #01260650
The above is posted as a courtesy and not a prediction of the rise or fall of the housing market, interest rates, or the economy
(c) 2010
All rights reserved

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